TUNE: The Rakes of Kildare 6/8 Irish Jig
AIMS: To learn the tune and left hand chords, to learn a tune in Am (or A dorian), learn about modal scales, learn how to vamp a 6/8 jig rhythm on the left hand, learn to get comfortable using different left hand chords to normal i.e. Am
Welcome to Block 3 Improver Melodeon Classes
3.0 Preparation
Class #1: Rakes of Kildare – A music Right Hand & A Dorian Scale
3.1 Replay & Resources
Class #2: Rakes of Kildare – A music Left Hand
3.2 Replay & Resources
Class #3: Rakes of Kildare – B music Right Hand
3.3 Replay & Resources
Class #4: Rakes of Kildare – B music Left Hand & Putting It All Together
3.4 Replay & Resources