I get a lot of enquiries from people who want to try my online teaching products before they buy. So here are all the freebies in one handy location!
Enjoy perusing through all the options – and don’t forget – many of these are snippets from a series, so if you enjoy what you find here, please consider signing up to the fully comprehensive product to:
a) get the most out of the learning intention,
b) support me as a small business!
Many thanks and feel free to share this post far and wide!
Mel Biggs Melodeon Teacher YouTube Channel
The largest FREE online melodeon video resource with a growing collection of over 700 videos. The majority are slow, steady & simplified to ease the learning process. Close up & easy to see what’s going on!
Don’t forget when you visit my channel to like, comment & subscribe (it’s free!) PLUS ding the bell for notification of new uploads!
Pick Up & Play Absolute Beginners Online Course
Struggling to play with both hands? Want to play by ear? This is the course for you! My fully comprehensive online melodeon course for absolute beginners is self paced and easy to follow.
Check out the YouTube playlists below for a selection of FREE video lessons chosen from over 60 that’s available with the full course when you sign up:
Mel’s Angels Patreon Membership Club
Join my Patreon membership club for exclusive monthly content PLUS access an archive of sheet music (with chords & button numbers) & over 100 hours of Melinar tutorials to choose from, each one is a easily digestible 30-60 minute play-a-long episode on a specific subject.
For all abilities & folk instruments (not just melodeons!) on a wide variety of topics & themes.
You can join FOR FREE to access the first Melinar in each topic series (see the list below) or sign up from as little as £3 a month (+taxes in certain countries) to access the full range of learning resources.
Click the links below for a selection of FREE Melinars. Some form part of a series which you can complete when you sign up to Archangel tier membership (which has a 7 day FREE trial!):
To make it easy to find these freshly unlocked freebies, simply click on the links below and sign up to unlock the posts by becoming a FREE member of my Patreon:
Get That Morris Sound | The FIRST Melinar March 2020
Making Bear Dance Better. All about adjusting note length on the L and R hand, phrasing & accenting notes to bring out the musicality and danceability of a tune.
Session Survival Skills: Trunk Tunes – Iron Legs A Music
Ever wanted to speed up the tune learning process, or pick up tunes on the fly in sessions? This is what my ‘Trunking’ method teaches you. My Session Survival Skills series is all about building confidence playing in groups.
Detox Your Technique: Learning to play faster using a metronome
Ever wanted to learn to play faster? Start by learning to play slowly using a metronome before cranking up the speed! Learn to take control of your fingers at speed learning to play John Spiers’ Jiggery Pokerwork.
Playing By Ear: Weaning Yourself Off The Dots
Take the first step towards playing-by-ear by putting the dots aside and becoming better acquainted with your instrument! The Playing By Ear series is about trying out a bunch of fun, confidence boosting games & exercises.
Establish It: The Abbess by Andy Cutting TUNE CLUB
First you have to ESTABLISH a tune, before you can EXPLORE it. My Establish:Explore tune club series ran throughout 2023 and teaches a bunch of ‘tunes with a technique’ so you don’t just learn the tune, but also learn how to play it better/differently/with style.
GUEST TUTOR Lucas Thebaut’s Harmony Tree
In 2024 I launched my Guest Tutor series. Each month a new guest leads a Melinar and is interviewed on my Chatterbox podcast. In ep.1 Lucas Thebaut from France expertly demonstrates his ‘Harmony Tree’ tool which demystifies the complexities of chord nomenclature.
Mel’s Christmas Angels: Steady Speed Session 2020
Develop your session playing skills and playalong with tunes from 2020’s Melinars
Christmas Angels: Steady Speed Session 2021
Develop your session playing skills and playalong with tunes from 2021’s Melinars
Christmas Angels: Steady Speed Session 2022
Develop your session playing skills and playalong with tunes from 2022’s Melinars
Christmas Angels: Steady Speed Session 2023
Develop your session playing skills and playalong with tunes from 2023’s Melinars
Online Melodeon Classes
Level up your playing! Improver, Intermediate and Advanced players can join me LIVE via Zoom or sign up ON DEMAND for LIFETIME ACCESS to blocks of 1 hour tutorials on a variety of tunes & techniques.
Click the links below to access the first in a progressive series of four classes – 1 each from Improver Block 1, Intermediate Block 2, Advanced Block 3.
If you enjoy your experience of these classes, please consider signing up to complete the remaining 3 classes in each block ON DEMAND via the buttons below. Or choose from a range of other Online Melodeon Class blocks via my shop page here.
NB blocks are only progressive within themselves – you can start with whichever block takes your fancy!